Rocket Scientist, Fortune 500 Executive, Professional Engineer, Project Management Professional, Achieve Global Leadership Facilitator

Professionals benefit from training by equipping them with vital skills to increase their confidence through the development of soft skills and effective mitigation of the imposter syndrome.

Let Dr. Trego help you increase your employee’s confidence by teaching them critical skills that will unleash their unlimited possibilities, translating into increased work productivity and satisfaction. Confident employees contribute to better financial outcomes and higher retention rates. Learn practical ways to enhance inclusion and profitability by engaging women and underrepresented groups. Provide experiences for your employees that were developed by a technical individual for technical individuals. Learn more about various options for working with Dr. Trego below.




Document Downloads


SQUASHING THE IMPOSTOR SYNDROME: culture, Confidence, and Your Unlimited Potential

Many technical professionals suffer from impostor syndrome – a crippling anxiety that they are not “good enough” or “qualified enough” to do the job they currently have. This impacts individual, team, and organizational performance as fear of failure replaces confidence. This program not only inspires, but also educates audiences about how technical organizations can foster a culture of confidence in their staff. Want to learn more?


It takes a village to be successful, so how can that village help someone be successful, even more successful than they could imagine? See how you can help others become successful no matter what stage of life you are in by developing a champion mentality.  Look at specific actions and skills you may already possess to take action and build others. Want to learn more?


Gain Confidence by Squashing the Impostor Syndrome

Want to learn more and dive deeper into developing tools that will guide you into how to overcome, or help others overcome, the impostor syndrome?  Schedule an interactive one-hour breakout or half-day workshop which allows participants to explore case studies, internalize, and practice key concepts to increase their confidence and ability to reach their unlimited potential.

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Feedback as a Survival Skill: 5 Steps to Improve Giving Feedback

One of the toughest things to do is give constructive feedback. Organizations recognize that feedback is critical to their survival. We will explore how to help improve your employee’s performance and motivation. Learn how to remove the negative connotation of feedback to increase productivity. These skills will improve organizational performance and help build strong positive working relationships amongst your team. Schedule an interactive one-hour breakout or half-day workshop that allows participants to explore case studies, internalize, and practice key concepts to improve their skills in providing feedback to others.

Seeing with New Eyes: Unpacking Unconscious Bias for an Inclusive Culture

We all have them, but often we have no idea that we have them!  What is unconscious bias?  How can we genuinely try to be unbiased?  Through a mixture of short presentations and lively activities, we explore some harmful side effects of how our brains naturally perceive, categorize, and draw inferences about the world, including other people.  We then move into micro-messaging and how to improve your interactions with others. Start your journey of understanding your own unconscious biases.

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Leadership Transitions – But I’ve Never Done That Before?

I used to be the expert, now I’m the boss – help!  You’ve been successful in your area of expertise as an individual contributor and have been promoted to the next level – managing and leading those you just worked with!  Eck!  Dr. Trego has experienced this herself while working as a mechanical engineer in a technical organization.  Based on her and other’s experiences Dr. Trego explores the necessary changes one needs to make.  These areas include work values, time allocation, and capabilities.  Learn how to rise to become a leader who can motivate and enliven attitudes in your team.

How to Have a 5-Course Meal at Dollar Menu Prices: Effective Time Management Strategies

No matter what we do we only ever have 24 hours in a day. Time is one of our most precious commodities. How can we most effectively utilize those hours? What can we do to stretch our time? Learn 7 keys to managing your time to be the most productive person you can be…effectively making a five-course meal out of dollar menu items.

Mastering the Art of Presentations: The Anatomy of a Murder?

An engineer may have the greatest design or piece of analysis in the world but if you can’t communicate it to the right people in the right way your design will never be realized. How do you do that? What happens if you need to present to a coworker? A manager? A CEO? A customer? Each of these requires slightly different approaches. These skills will help you not only be a better engineer, but also help you in your career advancement as you learn how to present information in a more meaningful manner.

That’s My Best and Final Offer: Cornerstones of Negotiations

You are constantly negotiating in life whether it be with colleagues, customers, suppliers, bosses, family, or friends. While we don’t have control over whether we negotiate or not we do have control over whether we negotiate better or worse than others. Learn tools and tactics to increase your skills as an ethical negotiator. Transform your stress of negotiations into confidence as you enjoy dramatically better outcomes for all parties involved.

Icon for Women in STEM

Ready, Aim, Wait…What Am I Trying To Accomplish?

In a very competitive workplace, outstanding performance, versus good performance, can make all the difference in opportunities for retention and advancement. One way to do this is through learning how to set and achieve goals that drive you towards your overall vision. This course helps you put strategies in place to ensure success in achieving goals. Master the skills of setting SMART goals, a proven method to maximize goal-setting success.

Powering Thru the Complexities of Project Management

An overview of streamlined project management processes which aren’t just “make work” items. At the end, you will be able to answer the important question: “What is the best way to manage a project?” We expect to be able to identify systematic approaches to initiating, planning, executing, monitoring, controlling, and closing individual projects. We will become familiar with project management tools that increase our effectiveness in managing projects. We will also explore how projects are actually managed in the real-world organizations in which we work and with which we do business
NOTE: Course may be expanded to include PMP exam preparation upon request or to deep dive into specific topics.

Managing Risks Rather than Firefighting Crises

Many entities struggle when risks are manifested and they turn to firefighting modes. This burns, and it burns hot! Sometimes they didn’t even know the risk was a possibility. Improperly managed risks can derail a project quickly adding significant costs, time, and stress to a project. Learn time and cost-saving elements and techniques through hands-on activities to create a robust risk management system that allows your entity to be proactive towards risks rather than always reacting to risks.

Aligning Your Organization through Strategic Planning

It is more essential than you think that you have both a strategy and that your organization understands your strategy. How do you create a strategy with buy-in and motivation as well as alignment for every level of your organization? Learn skills and techniques necessary to achieve this goal. This interactive session will allow you to come away with the ability to successfully develop your strategy and vision with a new attitude.

Demystifying Earned Value Management

The dreaded EVM. It strikes fear in the heart of most project managers. By breaking down the components EVM can be an extremely useful tool and isn’t as complicated as people think. It allows you to understand the status of your project according to scope, schedule, and budget in just two metrics! Learn what it takes to demystify earned value management.


  • Individual Coaching & Mentoring
  • Increasing and Retaining Women and Under-Represented Populations
  • Reducing Unconscious Bias in Your Processes
  • Increasing Retention of Your Employees

Document Downloads

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