Rocket Scientist, Inventor, Fellow of Higher Education Academy, ABET Commissioner, Distinguished Lecturer, Teacher of the Year

Educators benefit from these trainings by equipping them with confidence in their instructional and counseling abilities, enabling them to effectively engage students through replicable strategies, ultimately fostering increased student confidence and unlocking their full potential.

Dr. Trego has been Teacher of the Year at Utah Valley University, is a Distinguished Lecturer for AIAA, a fellow in the Higher Education Academy, has over 90 publications and 2 patents, over a decade of experience as an ABET evaluator in addition to a wealth of experience. She understands that an educational institution’s demands are high for faculty and administration alike. Let Dr. Trego help you increase the satisfaction of your faculty, administration, and students by teaching them critical skills that will unleash their unlimited possibilities. These programs are developed by an engineering educator for engineering educators. Learn more about various options for working with Dr. Trego below.







CREATING IMPACT: How to fall in love with teaching again

Transcend your own boredom and learn how to fall in love with teaching again. Rediscover your own motivation and be inspired while looking at ways to create a lasting impact on students so that what you teach, like Newton’s law, stays in motion even when the initial impact is gone. Learn techniques to support creating lifelong learning desires, confidence, and motivation in your students as shown through story and examples utilized with proven results by Dr. Trego. Want to Learn More?

SQUASHING THE IMPOSTOR SYNDROME: culture, Confidence, and Your Unlimited Potential

Many technical professionals suffer from impostor syndrome – a crippling anxiety that they are not “good enough” or “qualified enough” to do the job they currently have. This impacts individual, team, and organizational performance as fear of failure replaces confidence. This program not only inspires, but also educates audiences about how technical organizations can foster a culture of confidence in their staff. Want to Learn More?


It takes a village to be successful, so how can that village help someone be successful, even more successful than they could imagine? See how you can help others become successful no matter what stage of life you are in by developing a champion mentality.  Look at specific actions and skills you may already possess to take action and build others. Want to Learn More?


Breaking Down Enrollment & Retention Barriers: 4 simple techniques to student engagement

Are you struggling to find training for your faculty that seeks to teach practical skills that can be immediately used? This training provides a positive, safe space to learn engagement techniques that have been proven to increase not only overall teaching effectiveness but also the recruitment and retention of underrepresented populations.

Some common points of frustration include: theory without practical skills, defensiveness, and feeling that no matter what, they are doing it all wrong.  Care is taken throughout this training to alleviate each of these reactions.  Additionally, a model is offered to create self-sustaining, cost-effective ongoing training through a Train the Trainer Program. Want to Learn More?

The Real Realities of STEM

Understanding all the STEM career opportunities for students can be mind-boggling and often misunderstood.  How much math is needed?  What if my student has the aptitude but loves drama?  What does a career really look like in STEM?  This STEM-specific training provides support to help you, as a high school counselor, provide better support to your students.  This training also has the option to address micro-messaging as it relates specifically to STEM. Want to Learn More?

3 Engagement Principles to Reduce Workload and Increase Student Motivation

It’s a fact:  faculty members are responsible for doing it all.  Finding ways to get students motivated to learn and be active in class typically requires an effort we just don’t have time for even though we desire the best for our students.  Learn three engagement principles that you can walk out of the half-day workshop with and immediately use in your next class which will reduce your overall teaching workload while increasing student motivation.  Come ready for an engaging working session! Want to Learn More?

Gain Confidence by Squashing the Imposter Syndrome

The Imposter Syndrome paralyzes us into thinking we don’t belong and don’t have the skills to succeed. Want to learn more and dive deeper into developing tools that will guide you to overcome, or help others overcome the impostor syndrome?  Schedule an interactive one-hour breakout or half-day workshop that allows participants to explore case studies, internalize, and practice key concepts to increase their confidence and ability to reach their unlimited potential.

Implementing a Wow-Factor in STEM to Recruit High School Female Students

An outreach program for high school women in STEM is beneficial when created collaboratively between academia and industry. This program is amplified when a wow factor or hands-on interactive activity is included. Collaboration on STEM outreach programs for women and other under-represented populations creates a visible pathway filling the STEM pipeline. This workshop discusses a method and benefits for academic and industry collaboration. It entails an event with high school female students utilizing a hands-on format with company workshops, an interactive display area, and a design challenge event with industry mentorships.

Making a Difference Through Engineering

Don’t be fooled that being an engineer means you are just a boring person sitting in a cubical. Learn that it is not the things that you make that are important but rather, it is the impact you make. Look at case studies to see what a real difference being an engineer can make on the world.

Accreditation Reviews

Dr. Trego has been involved with ABET for over a decade as an evaluator for aerospace engineering, mechanical engineering, aerospace engineering technology, and mechanical engineering technology programs (both EAC and ETAC reviews). Dr. Trego has also served as a commissioner for the Engineering Accreditation Commission (EAC) and on the Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity Committee. Dr. Trego has also been involved with reviews as a faculty member as well as an industry board member. With experience in all aspects of a review, she is keenly qualified to provide your program, department, or college consultation to help your accreditation review go smoothly.

Document Downloads

Below you should find promotional materials you need for your newsletter, conference agenda, or website.  Please contact our office for all other uses or if you need something not available on this page.

Publications Samples

Chapman, et al, 2021, “Why Does Gamification Work? A Quasi-Experimental Evaluation of Self-Determination Theory and Flow Theory as Possible Theoretical Explanations for Gamification’s Effects,” Academy of Management Learning & Education Journal, submitted.

Arendt, A. Trego, J. Allred, 2016, “Students Reach beyond Expectations with Cafeteria Style Grading,” Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, Volume 8 Issue 1, pp.2 - 17.

A. Trego and T. Bateman, 2018, “Academic Alliance with Industry for Recruiting High School Female Students into STEM,” Society of Women Engineers Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN.

A. Trego and R. Heslehurst, 2018, “How Can Workforce Diversity Improve Composite Productivity,” Advancing Composites Innovation Conference, Melbourne, AUS.

A. Trego, 2017, “Implementing a Wow-Factor in STEM to Recruit High School Female Students,” American Society for Engineering Education Rocky Mountain Section Conference, Provo, UT.

U. Sorensen, et al, 2017, “Student Collaborators Facilitate Meaningful Partnerships Between Teachers and Learners to Enhance Student Learning” Lilly Conference on Evidence-Based Teaching and Learning, Anaheim, CA.

J. Chapman and A. Trego, 2017, “Game On: Using Educational Gamification and Student Choice to Increase Retention,’ Intermountain Teaching for Learning Conference, Orem, UT.

A. Trego, 2016, “I Hate Tests: Do students do something different when given a choice?” Scholarship of Teaching & Engagement Conference VIII, Orem, UT.

A. Trego and T. Bateman, 2016, “Academia Alliance with Industry for Women in STEM,” 2016 Joint Region ABJ Society of Women Engineers Conference, Seattle, WA.

A. Trego, et al, 2015, “Cafeteria Style Grading: Giving Your Students Choices,” International Higher Education Teaching and Learning Conference, Orem, UT.